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Syd Hill Premium Half Breed Saddle - Non Adjustable Tree

Syd Hill Premium Half Breed Saddle - Non Adjustable Tree

Regular price $1,795.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $1,795.00 AUD
Sale Sold out
Color: Havana

The half breed provides the rider with a balanced seat while maintaining a close contact, secure feel and correct riding position.

Built on a solid fiberglass tree, the fleece lined, contoured panels disperse the riders weight evenly across a large surface area for optimum fit of the horse.

Made from premium quality, imported European leather, this saddle is suitable for a range of riding styles including general riding, trail riding, breaking, polocrosse and station work.

Complete with billet & latigo cinch rigging, adjustable fenders & aluminum oxbows you only need to add a girth to be fully mounted.

This saddle comes with a 5 year warranty on the saddle tree and is available in havana only - seat sizes  14",15”, 16”, 17” & 18"


Please note that half breed saddles are measured including the pommel, inner seat measurements are approximately 2.5 inches smaller that seat size.

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